How to Choose Titles for College Application Essays

college-application-essaysIt may surprise you but a lot of college application essays don’t have titles. And applicants often ask why they should include titles. A title plays an important role in your application essay and we will explain you why.

Why to Include Titles for College Application Essays?

It is not a secret that college application essays play a big role in your life. Does your essay have a topic? Maybe a reader wants to know it. So, using a title will help you with that. Write down a title that will be exciting to read.

A title is the reader’s first impression about your essay. Without providing a title, you don’t give your reader an opportunity to read your essay at all! If college application essays have interesting titles, admission committees will read it not for necessity, but because they want to.

College-application-essaysPurpose of a Title

We have stated that you require a title. But how to make your title effective? At first you should think about the purpose of a title:

  • When you are writing college essays, no matter if it is an application or not, add a title that will grab attention.
  • Titles make readers want to look at your essay.
  • All titles used in writing college essays should demonstrate a sense of what you are writing about.

Don’t be too detailed in your writing college essays titles. If a title is too long, a reader doesn’t need to read the actual essay anymore, as everything is described in a title. There are some concrete rules for title writing. Titles can vary according to formatting.

You can include a play of words in your title, for example. Or you can make a provocative title. In any case it should grab attention. Your title should be straightforward. Use simple and direct language.

college-application-essaysBeware of mistakes in your title. Don’t use vague language – meaningless words don’t work in application essays. Also, don’t use general language – sometimes students try to cover too much ground in their titles. Such titles will lead you to failure as your reader will not want to read your essay. Use clear language in your title – don’t add unnecessary syllables to every word. Be careful with wordplay if you decide to use it. Not everyone can understand that and it may look ridiculous. is a writing service that can deal with any type of writing assignment. We take care of all aspects of academic writing. Our team of experts don’t only write papers – they also proofread, edit and check for plagiarism. Our professional writers with experience and skills will write a paper according to academic standards, college application essay format and your requirements.