Political Science Essay Sample

What’s The Difference Between Fascism And Nazism?

political-science-essay-sampleWhile Nazism is considered to be another form of Fascism, there is sizable difference between them. One of the main reasons why Nazism is regarded as a form of Fascism is for the reason that, they both reject the idea of Marxism, democracy and liberalism. Nevertheless, the difference is considerably significant (De Felice & Ledeen, 1976). This paper seeks to discuss critically the differences that exist between Fascism and Nazism. The paper will also point out some similarities that are presented by the two forms of government
The origin of Fascism and Nazism is tracked to be in the early twentieth century. However, Nazism became popular around 1933 to 1945 as Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945. In essence, both groups came into being after the World War 1 as they were both opposing liberalism and communism that existed in Russia. This means that in spite of the fact that they had significant differences, they were still sharing some similarities (De Felice & Ledeen, 2011).
Fascism believes in corporatism. In other words, fascism strongly disregards any strong opinion against any race. The doctrine of fascism is emphasized on corporatism, nationalism, militarism and totalitarianism. On the contrary, Nazism considered the state as a method and means of advancing their master race. A practical example Nazism was demonstrated during the WWII by the government of Germany where they were regarding their race with more superiority that their state (Williamson, 2013).

political-science-essay-sampleRegardless of the situation, Nazism laid significant emphasis on racism. While Fascism examined the state to be essential, Nazism considered Aryanism being more important. Fundamentally, the doctrine of the Nazi considered Aryan race to be one of the most superior race in the world.  This ideology significantly distinguished them from the fascism that purely based its beliefs on political views and standpoints (Williamson, 2013).
In conclusion, the difference between Nazism and Fascism is mainly based on ideologies. While Fascist was considering the state as important, Nazism was considering their race to be more important. This paper has critically analyzed the differences that exist between Nazism and Fascism. The paper has also pointed out some similarities that are presented by the two forms of government.
De Felice, R., & Ledeen, M. A. (2011). Fascism. New Brunswick: Transaction publishers.
Williamson, D. G. (2013). The Age of the Dictators: A Study of the European Dictatorships, 1918-53. New York: Routledge.

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